Talent Management

Talent Management

We understand artists and their aim to focus on their musical production and performance. However, in the entertainment industry artists are subject to pressures 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is why Karizm offers 360-degree support to our clients, providing space for creativity and enabling the artist to grow professionally beyond their wildest dreams. By devising and executing individually customized career strategies and services we facilitate our artists to excel. Our aim is to create a partnership, in which our clients can rely on us for their careers, while they fully focus on what they and what we love: Music.

We work with account managers who work closely with the artists to ensure that the strategies laid out are implemented.

Why You Need Karizm?

We offer advice, guidance, counsel, and other services as the talent may reasonably require to further his or her professional career as a musician, composer, actor, recording, performing artist, or visual artist.  And to develop new and different areas within which his or her artistic talents can be developed and applied, including but not limited to the following services: